Doughnate For Good Causes With Gookie Dough
Here at Gookie Dough, not only are we here to tickle your taste buds with delightful dough but we also want to better the world and donate to good causes. If you weren't aware, you can actually raise money for charity with us and it's never felt better.
(Image credit: What Evie Did)
The Fundraising Scheme
There's nothing worse than sponsor sheets, chasing after people you know for the dollar and being upset about the results. I mean, no one wants to sponsor a fun run anymore, it's kinda boring, right? It's not uncommon to try your very hardest by trying to get people to support your good cause but due to all the ways to donate the money now, it gets ignored. So, how do we sort it out? Don't give up!
At Gookie Dough, we want to support all charities and turn those frowns upside down. We aren't all about the materialistic side, we want to do good! Whether it's for children overseas, animals or incurable diseases that need research, we want to help. This scheme allows you to sell products full of love while raising money for charity and making awareness.
(Image credit: Instagram @bakedbyberlin)
The Process
The process is fairly simple, all you need to do is purchase 150g of Gooey Chocolate Chip Gookie Dough for an exclusive price of £1.95 per tub and sell them onto your friends, family and public for £3.95. From this, you can give all of your profit to a charity of your choice.
Whether you want to invest in a little or a lot, we've got your back. As long as you give us plenty of time to whip up your dough in the kitchen and add a splash of extra sprinkles, you can bag yourself either 10-250 tubs to sell onwards.
Just ensure you provide the named charity, a little description of who they are and the name, date and location of the event or venue where you will be selling! Email to find out more information.
Calling all students, working alongside a charity looks great on your CV, especially when trying to get into university!
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